pg_auto_failover Tutorial

In this guide we’ll create a primary and secondary Postgres node and set up pg_auto_failover to replicate data between them. We’ll simulate failure in the primary node and see how the system smoothly switches (fails over) to the secondary.

For illustration, we’ll run our databases on virtual machines in the Azure platform, but the techniques here are relevant to any cloud provider or on-premise network. We’ll use four virtual machines: a primary database, a secondary database, a monitor, and an “application.” The monitor watches the other nodes’ health, manages global state, and assigns nodes their roles.

Create virtual network

Our database machines need to talk to each other and to the monitor node, so let’s create a virtual network.

az group create \
    --name ha-demo \
    --location eastus

az network vnet create \
    --resource-group ha-demo \
    --name ha-demo-net \

We need to open ports 5432 (Postgres) and 22 (SSH) between the machines, and also give ourselves access from our remote IP. We’ll do this with a network security group and a subnet.

az network nsg create \
    --resource-group ha-demo \
    --name ha-demo-nsg

az network nsg rule create \
    --resource-group ha-demo \
    --nsg-name ha-demo-nsg \
    --name ha-demo-ssh-and-pg \
    --access allow \
    --protocol Tcp \
    --direction Inbound \
    --priority 100 \
    --source-address-prefixes `curl` \
    --source-port-range "*" \
    --destination-address-prefix "*" \
    --destination-port-ranges 22 5432

az network vnet subnet create \
    --resource-group ha-demo \
    --vnet-name ha-demo-net \
    --name ha-demo-subnet \
    --address-prefixes \
    --network-security-group ha-demo-nsg

Finally add four virtual machines (ha-demo-a, ha-demo-b, ha-demo-monitor, and ha-demo-app). For speed we background the az vm create processes and run them in parallel:

# create VMs in parallel
for node in monitor a b app
az vm create \
    --resource-group ha-demo \
    --name ha-demo-${node} \
    --vnet-name ha-demo-net \
    --subnet ha-demo-subnet \
    --nsg ha-demo-nsg \
    --public-ip-address ha-demo-${node}-ip \
    --image debian \
    --admin-username ha-admin \
    --generate-ssh-keys &

To make it easier to SSH into these VMs in future steps, let’s make a shell function to retrieve their IP addresses:

# run this in your local shell as well

vm_ip () {
  az vm list-ip-addresses -g ha-demo -n ha-demo-$1 -o tsv \
    --query '[] [][0].ipAddress'

# for convenience with ssh

for node in monitor a b app
ssh-keyscan -H `vm_ip $node` >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Let’s review what we created so far.

az resource list --output table --query \
  "[?resourceGroup=='ha-demo'].{ name: name, flavor: kind, resourceType: type, region: location }"

This shows the following resources:

Name                             ResourceType                                           Region
-------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------  --------
ha-demo-a                        Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines                      eastus
ha-demo-app                      Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines                      eastus
ha-demo-b                        Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines                      eastus
ha-demo-monitor                  Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines                      eastus
ha-demo-appVMNic                 Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces                    eastus
ha-demo-aVMNic                   Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces                    eastus
ha-demo-bVMNic                   Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces                    eastus
ha-demo-monitorVMNic             Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces                    eastus
ha-demo-nsg                      Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups                eastus
ha-demo-a-ip                     Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses                    eastus
ha-demo-app-ip                   Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses                    eastus
ha-demo-b-ip                     Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses                    eastus
ha-demo-monitor-ip               Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses                    eastus
ha-demo-net                      Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks                      eastus

Install the “pg_autoctl” executable

This guide uses Debian Linux, but similar steps will work on other distributions. All that differs are the packages and paths. See Installing pg_auto_failover.

The pg_auto_failover system is distributed as a single pg_autoctl binary with subcommands to initialize and manage a replicated PostgreSQL service. We’ll install the binary with the operating system package manager on all nodes. It will help us run and observe PostgreSQL.

for node in monitor a b app
az vm run-command invoke \
   --resource-group ha-demo \
   --name ha-demo-${node} \
   --command-id RunShellScript \
   --scripts \
      "sudo touch /home/ha-admin/.hushlogin" \
      "curl | sudo bash" \
      "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -q -y postgresql-common" \
      "echo 'create_main_cluster = false' | sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql-common/createcluster.conf" \
      "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -q -y postgresql-11-auto-failover-1.4" \
      "sudo usermod -a -G postgres ha-admin" &

Run a monitor

The pg_auto_failover monitor is the first component to run. It periodically attempts to contact the other nodes and watches their health. It also maintains global state that “keepers” on each node consult to determine their own roles in the system.

# on the monitor virtual machine

ssh -l ha-admin `vm_ip monitor` -- \
  pg_autoctl create monitor \
    --auth trust \
    --ssl-self-signed \
    --pgdata monitor \
    --pgctl /usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_ctl

This command initializes a PostgreSQL cluster at the location pointed by the --pgdata option. When --pgdata is omitted, pg_autoctl attempts to use the PGDATA environment variable. If a PostgreSQL instance had already existing in the destination directory, this command would have configured it to serve as a monitor.

pg_auto_failover, installs the pgautofailover Postgres extension, and grants access to a new autoctl_node user.

In the Quick Start we use --auth trust to avoid complex security settings. The Postgres trust authentication method is not considered a reasonable choice for production environments. Consider either using the --skip-pg-hba option or --auth scram-sha-256 and then setting up passwords yourself.

At this point the monitor is created. Now we’ll install it as a service with systemd so that it will resume if the VM restarts.

ssh -T -l ha-admin `vm_ip monitor` << CMD
  pg_autoctl -q show systemd --pgdata ~ha-admin/monitor > pgautofailover.service
  sudo mv pgautofailover.service /etc/systemd/system
  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  sudo systemctl enable pgautofailover
  sudo systemctl start pgautofailover

Bring up the nodes

We’ll create the primary database using the pg_autoctl create subcommand.

ssh -l ha-admin `vm_ip a` -- \
  pg_autoctl create postgres \
    --pgdata ha \
    --auth trust \
    --ssl-self-signed \
    --username ha-admin \
    --dbname appdb \
    --hostname \
    --pgctl /usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_ctl \
    --monitor 'postgres://'

Notice the user and database name in the monitor connection string – these are what monitor init created. We also give it the path to pg_ctl so that the keeper will use the correct version of pg_ctl in future even if other versions of postgres are installed on the system.

In the example above, the keeper creates a primary database. It chooses to set up node A as primary because the monitor reports there are no other nodes in the system yet. This is one example of how the keeper is state-based: it makes observations and then adjusts its state, in this case from “init” to “single.”

Also add a setting to trust connections from our “application” VM:

ssh -T -l ha-admin `vm_ip a` << CMD
  echo 'hostssl "appdb" "ha-admin" trust' \
    >> ~ha-admin/ha/pg_hba.conf

At this point the monitor and primary node are created and running. Next we need to run the keeper. It’s an independent process so that it can continue operating even if the PostgreSQL process goes terminates on the node. We’ll install it as a service with systemd so that it will resume if the VM restarts.

ssh -T -l ha-admin `vm_ip a` << CMD
  pg_autoctl -q show systemd --pgdata ~ha-admin/ha > pgautofailover.service
  sudo mv pgautofailover.service /etc/systemd/system
  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  sudo systemctl enable pgautofailover
  sudo systemctl start pgautofailover

Next connect to node B and do the same process. We’ll do both steps at once:

ssh -l ha-admin `vm_ip b` -- \
  pg_autoctl create postgres \
    --pgdata ha \
    --auth trust \
    --ssl-self-signed \
    --username ha-admin \
    --dbname appdb \
    --hostname \
    --pgctl /usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_ctl \
    --monitor 'postgres://'

ssh -T -l ha-admin `vm_ip b` << CMD
  pg_autoctl -q show systemd --pgdata ~ha-admin/ha > pgautofailover.service
  sudo mv pgautofailover.service /etc/systemd/system
  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  sudo systemctl enable pgautofailover
  sudo systemctl start pgautofailover

It discovers from the monitor that a primary exists, and then switches its own state to be a hot standby and begins streaming WAL contents from the primary.

Node communication

For convenience, pg_autoctl modifies each node’s pg_hba.conf file to allow the nodes to connect to one another. For instance, pg_autoctl added the following lines to node A:

# automatically added to node A

hostssl "appdb" "ha-admin" trust
hostssl replication "pgautofailover_replicator" trust
hostssl "appdb" "pgautofailover_replicator" trust

For pg_hba.conf on the monitor node pg_autoctl inspects the local network and makes its best guess about the subnet to allow. In our case it guessed correctly:

# automatically added to the monitor

hostssl "pg_auto_failover" "autoctl_node" trust

If worker nodes have more ad-hoc addresses and are not in the same subnet, it’s better to disable pg_autoctl’s automatic modification of pg_hba using the --skip-pg-hba command line option during creation. You will then need to edit the hba file by hand. Another reason for manual edits would be to use special authentication methods.

Watch the replication

First let’s verify that the monitor knows about our nodes, and see what states it has assigned them:

ssh -l ha-admin `vm_ip monitor` pg_autoctl show state --pgdata monitor

  Name |  Node |                            Host:Port |       LSN | Reachable |       Current State |      Assigned State
node_1 |     1 | | 0/3000060 |       yes |             primary |             primary
node_2 |     2 | | 0/3000060 |       yes |           secondary |           secondary

This looks good. We can add data to the primary, and later see it appear in the secondary. We’ll connect to the database from inside our “app” virtual machine, using a connection string obtained from the monitor.

ssh -l ha-admin `vm_ip monitor` pg_autoctl show uri --pgdata monitor

      Type |    Name | Connection String
   monitor | monitor | postgres://
 formation | default | postgres://,

Now we’ll get the connection string and store it in a local environment variable:

  ssh -l ha-admin `vm_ip monitor` \
    pg_autoctl show uri --formation default --pgdata monitor \

The connection string contains both our nodes, comma separated, and includes the url parameter ?target_session_attrs=read-write telling psql that we want to connect to whichever of these servers supports reads and writes. That will be the primary server.

# connect to database via psql on the app vm and
# create a table with a million rows
ssh -l ha-admin -t `vm_ip app` -- \
  psql "'$APP_DB_URI'" \
    -c "'CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT generate_series(1,1000000) bar;'"

Cause a failover

Now that we’ve added data to node A, let’s switch which is considered the primary and which the secondary. After the switch we’ll connect again and query the data, this time from node B.

# initiate failover to node B
ssh -l ha-admin -t `vm_ip monitor` \
  pg_autoctl perform switchover --pgdata monitor

Once node B is marked “primary” (or “wait_primary”) we can connect and verify that the data is still present:

# connect to database via psql on the app vm
ssh -l ha-admin -t `vm_ip app` -- \
  psql "'$APP_DB_URI'" \
    -c "'SELECT count(*) FROM foo;'"

It shows


Cause a node failure

This plot is too boring, time to introduce a problem. We’ll turn off VM for node B (currently the primary after our previous failover) and watch node A get promoted.

In one terminal let’s keep an eye on events:

ssh -t -l ha-admin `vm_ip monitor` -- \
  watch -n 1 -d pg_autoctl show state --pgdata monitor

In another terminal we’ll turn off the virtual server.

az vm stop \
  --resource-group ha-demo \
  --name ha-demo-b

After a number of failed attempts to talk to node B, the monitor determines the node is unhealthy and puts it into the “demoted” state. The monitor promotes node A to be the new primary.

  Name |  Node |                            Host:Port |       LSN | Reachable |       Current State |      Assigned State
node_1 |     1 | | 0/6D4E068 |       yes |        wait_primary |        wait_primary
node_2 |     2 | | 0/6D4E000 |       yes |             demoted |          catchingup

Node A cannot be considered in full “primary” state since there is no secondary present, but it can still serve client requests. It is marked as “wait_primary” until a secondary appears, to indicate that it’s running without a backup.

Let’s add some data while B is offline.

# notice how $APP_DB_URI continues to work no matter which node
# is serving as primary
ssh -l ha-admin -t `vm_ip app` -- \
  psql "'$APP_DB_URI'" \
    -c "'INSERT INTO foo SELECT generate_series(1000001, 2000000);'"

Resurrect node B

Run this command to bring node B back online:

az vm start \
  --resource-group ha-demo \
  --name ha-demo-b

Now the next time the keeper retries its health check, it brings the node back. Node B goes through the state “catchingup” while it updates its data to match A. Once that’s done, B becomes a secondary, and A is now a full primary again.

  Name |  Node |                            Host:Port |        LSN | Reachable |       Current State |      Assigned State
node_1 |     1 | | 0/12000738 |       yes |             primary |             primary
node_2 |     2 | | 0/12000738 |       yes |           secondary |           secondary

What’s more, if we connect directly to the database again, all two million rows are still present.

ssh -l ha-admin -t `vm_ip app` -- \
  psql "'$APP_DB_URI'" \
    -c "'SELECT count(*) FROM foo;'"

It shows
