Multi-node Architectures

Pg_auto_failover allows you to have more than one standby node, and offers advanced control over your production architecture characteristics.

Architectures with two standby nodes

When adding your second standby node with default settings, you get the following architecture:

pg_auto_failover architecture with two standby nodes

pg_auto_failover architecture with two standby nodes

In this case, three nodes get set up with the same characteristics, achieving HA for both the Postgres service and the production dataset. An important setting for this architecture is number_sync_standbys.

The replication setting number_sync_standbys sets how many standby nodes the primary should wait for when committing a transaction. In order to have a good availability in your system, pg_auto_failover requires number_sync_standbys + 1 standby nodes participating in the replication quorum: this allows any standby node to fail without impact on the system’s ability to respect the replication quorum.

When only two nodes are registered in a group on the monitor we have a primary and a single secondary node. Then number_sync_standbys can only be set to zero. When adding a second standby node to a pg_auto_failover group, then the monitor automatically increments number_sync_standbys to one, as we see in the diagram above.

When number_sync_standbys is set to zero then pg_auto_failover implements the Business Continuity setup as seen in Architecture Basics: synchronous replication is then used as a way to guarantee that failover can be implemented without data loss.

In more details:

  1. With number_sync_standbys set to one, this architecture always maintains two copies of the dataset: one on the current primary node (node A in the previous diagram), and one on the standby that acknowledges the transaction first (either node B or node C in the diagram).

    When one of the standby nodes is unavailable, the second copy of the dataset can still be maintained thanks to the remaining standby.

    When both the standby nodes are unavailable, then it’s no longer possible to guarantee the replication quorum, and thus writes on the primary are blocked. The Postgres primary node waits until at least one standby node acknowledges the transactions locally committed, thus degrading your Postgres service to read-only.

  1. It is possible to manually set number_sync_standbys to zero when having registered two standby nodes to the monitor, overriding the default behavior.

    In that case, when the second standby node becomes unhealthy at the same time as the first standby node, the primary node is assigned the state Wait_primary. In that state, synchronous replication is disabled on the primary by setting synchronous_standby_names to an empty string. Writes are allowed on the primary, even though there’s no extra copy of the production dataset available at this time.

    Setting number_sync_standbys to zero allows data to be written even when both standby nodes are down. In this case, a single copy of the production data set is kept and, if the primary was then to fail, some data will be lost. How much depends on your backup and recovery mechanisms.

Replication Settings and Postgres Architectures

The entire flexibility of pg_auto_failover can be leveraged with the following three replication settings:

  • Number of sync stanbys

  • Replication quorum

  • Candidate priority

Number Sync Standbys

This parameter is used by Postgres in the synchronous_standby_names parameter: number_sync_standby is the number of synchronous standbys for whose replies transactions must wait.

This parameter can be set at the formation level in pg_auto_failover, meaning that it applies to the current primary, and “follows” a failover to apply to any new primary that might replace the current one.

To set this parameter to the value <n>, use the following command:

pg_autoctl set formation number-sync-standbys <n>

The default value in pg_auto_failover is zero. When set to zero, the Postgres parameter synchronous_standby_names can be set to either '*' or to '':

  • synchronous_standby_names = '*' means that any standby may participate in the replication quorum for transactions with synchronous_commit set to on or higher values.

    pg_autofailover uses synchronous_standby_names = '*' when there’s at least one standby that is known to be healthy.

  • synchronous_standby_names = '' (empty string) disables synchrous commit and makes all your commits asynchronous, meaning that transaction commits will not wait for replication. In other words, a single copy of your production data is maintained when synchronous_standby_names is set that way.

    pg_autofailover uses synchronous_standby_names = '' only when number_sync_standbys is set to zero and there’s no standby node known healthy by the monitor.

In order to set number_sync_standbys to a non-zero value, pg_auto_failover requires that at least number_sync_standbys + 1 standby nodes be registered in the system.

When the first standby node is added to the pg_auto_failover monitor, the only acceptable value for number_sync_standbys is zero. When a second standby is added that participates in the replication quorum, then number_sync_standbys is automatically set to one.

The command pg_autoctl set formation number-sync-standbys can be used to change the value of this parameter in a formation, even when all the nodes are already running in production. The pg_auto_failover monitor then sets a transition for the primary to update its local value of synchronous_standby_names.

Replication Quorum

The replication quorum setting is a boolean and defaults to true, and can be set per-node. Pg_auto_failover includes a given node in synchronous_standby_names only when the replication quorum parameter has been set to true. This means that asynchronous replication will be used for nodes where replication-quorum is set to false.

It is possible to force asynchronous replication globally by setting replication quorum to false on all the nodes in a formation. Remember that failovers will happen, and thus to set your replication settings on the current primary node too when needed: it is going to be a standby later.

To set this parameter to either true or false, use one of the following commands:

pg_autoctl set node replication-quorum true
pg_autoctl set node replication-quorum false

Candidate Priority

The candidate priority setting is an integer that can be set to any value between 0 (zero) and 100 (one hundred). The default value is 50. When the pg_auto_failover monitor decides to orchestrate a failover, it uses each node’s candidate priority to pick the new primary node.

When setting the candidate priority of a node down to zero, this node will never be selected to be promoted as the new primary when a failover is orchestrated by the monitor. The monitor will instead wait until another node registered is healthy and in a position to be promoted.

To set this parameter to the value <n>, use the following command:

pg_autoctl set node candidate-priority <n>

When nodes have the same candidate priority, the monitor then picks the standby with the most advanced LSN position published to the monitor. When more than one node has published the same LSN position, a random one is chosen.

When the candidate for failover has not published the most advanced LSN position in the WAL, pg_auto_failover orchestrates an intermediate step in the failover mechanism. The candidate fetches the missing WAL bytes from one of the standby with the most advanced LSN position prior to being promoted. Postgres allows this operation thanks to cascading replication: any standby can be the upstream node for another standby.

It is required at all times that at least two nodes have a non-zero candidate priority in any pg_auto_failover formation. Otherwise no failover is possible.

Auditing replication settings

The command pg_autoctl get formation settings (also known as pg_autoctl show settings) can be used to obtain a summary of all the replication settings currently in effect in a formation. Still using the first diagram on this page, we get the following summary:

$ pg_autoctl get formation settings
  Context |    Name |                   Setting | Value
formation | default |      number_sync_standbys | 1
  primary |  node_A | synchronous_standby_names | 'ANY 1 (pgautofailover_standby_3, pgautofailover_standby_2)'
     node |  node_A |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_B |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_C |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_A |        candidate priority | 50
     node |  node_B |        candidate priority | 50
     node |  node_C |        candidate priority | 50

We can see that the number_sync_standbys has been used to compute the current value of the synchronous_standby_names setting on the primary.

Because all the nodes in that example have the same default candidate priority (50), then pg_auto_failover is using the form ANY 1 with the list of standby nodes that are currently participating in the replication quorum.

The entries in the synchronous_standby_names list are meant to match the application_name connection setting used in the primary_conninfo, and the format used by pg_auto_failover there is the format string “pgautofailover_standby_%d” where %d is replaced by the node id. This allows keeping the same connection string to the primary when the node name is changed (using the command pg_autoctl set metadata --name).

Here we can see the node id of each registered Postgres node with the following command:

$ pg_autoctl show state
  Name |  Node |      Host:Port |       LSN | Reachable |       Current State |      Assigned State
node_A |     1 | localhost:5001 | 0/7002310 |       yes |             primary |             primary
node_B |     2 | localhost:5002 | 0/7002310 |       yes |           secondary |           secondary
node_C |     3 | localhost:5003 | 0/7002310 |       yes |           secondary |           secondary

When setting pg_auto_failover with per formation number_sync_standby and then per node replication quorum and candidate priority replication settings, those properties are then used to compute the synchronous_standby_names value on the primary node. This value is automatically maintained on the primary by pg_auto_failover, and is updated either when replication settings are changed or when a failover happens.

The other situation when the pg_auto_failover replication settings are used is a candidate election when a failover happens and there is more than two nodes registered in a group. Then the node with the highest candidate priority is selected, as detailed above in the Candidate Priority section.

Sample architectures with three standby nodes

When setting the three parameters above, it’s possible to design very different Postgres architectures for your production needs.

pg_auto_failover architecture with three standby nodes

pg_auto_failover architecture with three standby nodes

In this case, the system is set up with three standby nodes all set the same way, with default parameters. The default parameters support setting number_sync_standbys = 2. This means that Postgres will maintain three copies of the production data set at all times.

On the other hand, if two standby nodes were to fail at the same time, despite the fact that two copies of the data are still maintained, the Postgres service would be degraded to read-only.

With this architecture diagram, here’s the summary that we obtain:

$ pg_autoctl show settings
  Context |    Name |                   Setting | Value
formation | default |      number_sync_standbys | 2
  primary |  node_A | synchronous_standby_names | 'ANY 2 (pgautofailover_standby_2, pgautofailover_standby_4, pgautofailover_standby_3)'
     node |  node_A |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_B |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_C |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_D |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_A |        candidate priority | 50
     node |  node_B |        candidate priority | 50
     node |  node_C |        candidate priority | 50
     node |  node_D |        candidate priority | 50

Sample architecture with three standby nodes, one async

pg_auto_failover architecture with three standby nodes, one async

pg_auto_failover architecture with three standby nodes, one async

In this case, the system is set up with two standby nodes participating in the replication quorum, allowing for number_sync_standbys = 1. The system always maintains at least two copies of the data set, one on the primary, another on either node B or node C. Whenever we lose one of those nodes, we can hold to the guarantee of having two copies of the data set.

Additionally, we have the standby server D which has been set up to not participate in the replication quorum. Node D will not be found in the synchronous_standby_names list of nodes. Also, node D is set up to never be a candidate for failover, with candidate-priority = 0.

This architecture would fit a situation with nodes A, B, and C are deployed in the same data center or availability zone and node D in another one. Those three nodes are set up to support the main production traffic and implement high availability of both the Postgres service and the data set.

Node D might be set up for Business Continuity in case the first data center is lost, or maybe for reporting needs on another application domain.

With this architecture diagram, here’s the summary that we obtain:

pg_autoctl show settings
  Context |    Name |                   Setting | Value
formation | default |      number_sync_standbys | 1
  primary |  node_A | synchronous_standby_names | 'ANY 1 (pgautofailover_standby_2, pgautofailover_standby_3)'
     node |  node_A |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_B |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_C |        replication quorum | true
     node |  node_D |        replication quorum | false
     node |  node_A |        candidate priority | 50
     node |  node_B |        candidate priority | 50
     node |  node_C |        candidate priority | 50
     node |  node_D |        candidate priority | 0