
In this guide we’ll create a Postgres setup with two nodes, a primary and a standby. Then we’ll add a second standby node. We’ll simulate failure in the Postgres nodes and see how the system continues to function.

This tutorial uses docker-compose in order to separate the architecture design from some of the implementation details. This allows reasoning at the architecture level within this tutorial, and better see which software component needs to be deployed and run on which node.

The setup provided in this tutorial is good for replaying at home in the lab. It is not intended to be production ready though. In particular, no attention have been spent on volume management. After all, this is a tutorial: the goal is to walk through the first steps of using pg_auto_failover to implement Postgres automated failover.


When using docker-compose we describe a list of services, each service may run on one or more nodes, and each service just runs a single isolated process in a container.

Within the context of a tutorial, or even a development environment, this matches very well to provisioning separate physical machines on-prem, or Virtual Machines either on-prem on in a Cloud service.

The docker image used in this tutorial is named pg_auto_failover:tutorial. It can be built locally when using the attached Dockerfile found within the GitHub repository for pg_auto_failover.

To build the image, either use the provided Makefile and run make build, or run the docker build command directly:

$ git clone https://github.com/citusdata/pg_auto_failover
$ cd pg_auto_failover/docs/tutorial
$ docker-compose build

Postgres failover with two nodes

Using docker-compose makes it easy enough to create an architecture that looks like the following diagram:

pg_auto_failover Architecture with a primary and a standby node

pg_auto_failover architecture with a primary and a standby node

Such an architecture provides failover capabilities, though it does not provide with High Availability of both the Postgres service and the data. See the Multi-node Architectures chapter of our docs to understand more about this.

To create a cluster we use the following docker-compose definition:

 1version: "3.9"  # optional since v1.27.0
 3x-node: &node
 4  build:
 5    context: ../..
 6    dockerfile: Dockerfile
 7    tags:
 8      - pg_auto_failover:tutorial
 9  volumes:
10    - /var/lib/postgres
11  environment:
12    PGDATA: /var/lib/postgres/pgaf
13    PGUSER: tutorial
14    PGDATABASE: tutorial
15    PG_AUTOCTL_HBA_LAN: true
18    PG_AUTOCTL_MONITOR: "postgresql://autoctl_node@monitor/pg_auto_failover"
19  expose:
20    - 5432
24  app:
25    build:
26      context: .
27      dockerfile: Dockerfile.app
28    environment:
29      PGUSER: tutorial
30      PGDATABASE: tutorial
31      PGHOST: node1,node2
32      PGPORT: 5432
33      PGAPPNAME: tutorial
34      PGSSLMODE: require
35      PGTARGETSESSIONATTRS: read-write
37  monitor:
38    image: pg_auto_failover:tutorial
39    volumes:
40      - /var/lib/postgres
41    environment:
42      PGDATA: /var/lib/postgres/pgaf
44    expose:
45      - 5432
46    command: |
47      pg_autoctl create monitor --auth trust --run
49  node1:
50    <<: *node
51    hostname: node1
52    command: |
53      pg_autoctl create postgres --name node1 --run
55  node2:
56    <<: *node
57    hostname: node2
58    command: |
59      pg_autoctl create postgres --name node2 --run
61  node3:
62    <<: *node
63    hostname: node3
64    command: |
65      pg_autoctl create postgres --name node3 --run

To run the full Citus cluster with HA from this definition, we can use the following command:

$ docker-compose up app monitor node1 node2

The command above starts the services up. The first service is the monitor and is created with the command pg_autoctl create monitor. The options for this command are exposed in the environment, and could have been specified on the command line too:

$ pg_autoctl create postgres --ssl-self-signed --auth trust --pg-hba-lan --run

While the Postgres nodes are being provisionned by docker-compose, you can run the following command and have a dynamic dashboard to follow what’s happening. The following command is like top for pg_auto_failover:

$ docker-compose exec monitor pg_autoctl watch

After a little while, you can run the pg_autoctl show state command and see a stable result:

$ docker-compose exec monitor pg_autoctl show state

 Name |  Node |  Host:Port |       TLI: LSN |   Connection |      Reported State |      Assigned State
node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |   1: 0/3000148 |   read-write |             primary |             primary
node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |   1: 0/3000148 |    read-only |           secondary |           secondary

We can review the available Postgres URIs with the pg_autoctl show uri command:

$ docker-compose exec monitor pg_autoctl show uri
         Type |    Name | Connection String
      monitor | monitor | postgres://autoctl_node@58053a02af03:5432/pg_auto_failover?sslmode=require
    formation | default | postgres://node2:5432,node1:5432/tutorial?target_session_attrs=read-write&sslmode=require

Add application data

Let’s create a database schema with a single table, and some data in there.

$ docker-compose exec app psql
-- in psql

CREATE TABLE companies
  id         bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
  name       text NOT NULL,
  image_url  text,
  created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL

Next download and ingest some sample data, still from within our psql session:

\copy companies from program 'curl -o- https://examples.citusdata.com/mt_ref_arch/companies.csv' with csv
( COPY 75 )

Our first failover

When using pg_auto_failover, it is possible (and easy) to trigger a failover without having to orchestrate an incident, or power down the current primary.

$ docker-compose exec monitor pg_autoctl perform switchover
14:57:16 992 INFO  Waiting 60 secs for a notification with state "primary" in formation "default" and group 0
14:57:16 992 INFO  Listening monitor notifications about state changes in formation "default" and group 0
14:57:16 992 INFO  Following table displays times when notifications are received
    Time |  Name |  Node |  Host:Port |       Current State |      Assigned State
14:57:16 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |             primary |            draining
14:57:16 | node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |           secondary |   prepare_promotion
14:57:16 | node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |   prepare_promotion |   prepare_promotion
14:57:16 | node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |   prepare_promotion |    stop_replication
14:57:16 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |             primary |      demote_timeout
14:57:17 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |            draining |      demote_timeout
14:57:17 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |      demote_timeout |      demote_timeout
14:57:19 | node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |    stop_replication |    stop_replication
14:57:19 | node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |    stop_replication |        wait_primary
14:57:19 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |      demote_timeout |             demoted
14:57:19 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |             demoted |             demoted
14:57:19 | node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |        wait_primary |        wait_primary
14:57:19 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |             demoted |          catchingup
14:57:26 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |             demoted |          catchingup
14:57:38 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |             demoted |          catchingup
14:57:39 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |          catchingup |          catchingup
14:57:39 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |          catchingup |           secondary
14:57:39 | node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |           secondary |           secondary
14:57:40 | node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |        wait_primary |             primary
14:57:40 | node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |             primary |             primary

The new state after the failover looks like the following:

$ docker-compose exec monitor pg_autoctl show state
 Name |  Node |  Host:Port |       TLI: LSN |   Connection |      Reported State |      Assigned State
node2 |     1 | node2:5432 |   2: 0/5002698 |    read-only |           secondary |           secondary
node1 |     2 | node1:5432 |   2: 0/5002698 |   read-write |             primary |             primary

And we can verify that we still have the data available:

docker-compose exec app psql -c "select count(*) from companies"
 (1 row)

Multiple Standbys Architectures

The docker-compose.yml file comes with a third node that you can bring up to obtain the following architecture:

pg_auto_failover Architecture for a standalone PostgreSQL service

pg_auto_failover architecture with a primary and two standby nodes

Adding a second standby node

To run a second standby node, or a third Postgres node, simply run the following command:

$ docker-compose up -d node3

We can see the resulting replication settings with the following command:

$ docker-compose exec monitor pg_autoctl show settings

  Context |    Name |                   Setting | Value
formation | default |      number_sync_standbys | 1
  primary |   node1 | synchronous_standby_names | 'ANY 1 (pgautofailover_standby_1, pgautofailover_standby_3)'
     node |   node2 |        candidate priority | 50
     node |   node1 |        candidate priority | 50
     node |   node3 |        candidate priority | 50
     node |   node2 |        replication quorum | true
     node |   node1 |        replication quorum | true
     node |   node3 |        replication quorum | true

Editing the replication settings while in production

It’s then possible to change the production architecture obtained with playing with the Replication Settings and Postgres Architectures commands. Specifically, try the following command to change the candidate_priority of the node3 to zero, in order for it to never be a candidate for failover:

$ docker-compose exec node3 pg_autoctl set candidate-priority 0 --name node3

To see the replication settings for all the nodes, the following command can be useful, and is described in more details in the Replication Settings and Postgres Architectures section.

$ docker-compose exec monitor pg_autoctl show settings

  Context |    Name |                   Setting | Value
formation | default |      number_sync_standbys | 1
  primary |   node1 | synchronous_standby_names | 'ANY 1 (pgautofailover_standby_1, pgautofailover_standby_3)'
     node |   node2 |        candidate priority | 50
     node |   node1 |        candidate priority | 50
     node |   node3 |        candidate priority | 0
     node |   node2 |        replication quorum | true
     node |   node1 |        replication quorum | true
     node |   node3 |        replication quorum | true

Then in a separate terminal (but in the same directory, because of the way docker-compose works with projects), you can run the following watch command:

$ docker-compose exec monitor pg_autoctl watch

And in the main terminal, while the watch command output is visible, you can run a switchover operation:

$ docker-compose exec monitor pg_autoctl perform switchover

Getting familiar with those commands one of you next steps. The manual has coverage for them in the following links:


To dispose of the entire tutorial environment, just use the following command:

$ docker-compose down

Next steps

As mentioned in the first section of this tutorial, the way we use docker-compose here is not meant to be production ready. It’s useful to understand and play with a distributed system such as Postgres multiple nodes system and failovers.

See the command pg_autoctl do tmux compose session for more details about how to run a docker-compose test environment with docker-compose, including external volumes for each node.

See also the complete Azure VMs Tutorial for a guide on how-to provision an Azure network and then Azure VMs with pg_auto_failover, including systemd coverage and a failover triggered by stopping a full VM.