pg_autoctl drop formation

pg_autoctl drop formation - Drop a formation on the pg_auto_failover monitor


This command drops an existing formation on the monitor:

usage: pg_autoctl drop formation  [ --pgdata --formation ]

--pgdata      path to data directory
--monitor     pg_auto_failover Monitor Postgres URL
--formation   name of the formation to drop



Location of the Postgres node being managed locally. Defaults to the environment variable PGDATA. Use --monitor to connect to a monitor from anywhere, rather than the monitor URI used by a local Postgres node managed with pg_autoctl.


Postgres URI used to connect to the monitor. Must use the autoctl_node username and target the pg_auto_failover database name. It is possible to show the Postgres URI from the monitor node using the command pg_autoctl show uri.


Name of the formation to drop from the monitor.



Postgres directory location. Can be used instead of the --pgdata option.


Postgres URI to connect to the monitor node, can be used instead of the --monitor option.


The pg_autoctl command stores its configuration files in the standard place XDG_CONFIG_HOME. See the XDG Base Directory Specification.


The pg_autoctl command stores its internal states files in the standard place XDG_DATA_HOME, which defaults to ~/.local/share. See the XDG Base Directory Specification.